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Welcome to the Forums!

Hello and welcome to the Members' forums!  This is the place to come if you want to ask questions, communicate with other members or simply comment about anything to do with the Society.

It's very easy to use the forums.  The title of this initial forum, 'General Discussion', suggests its purpose.  Queries that we receive from members of the public are posted in 'Requests for Information and Assistance'.  As members require, we can easily add more forums that might relate to specific interests, for example 'Research'.

Each forum can contain a number of 'topics' which are made up of individual 'posts'.  Right now, you are reading the first post in the topic called 'Welcome to the Forums!'  You can take part simply by clicking on the '+Reply' button, typing your comment and clicking on 'Submit'.  Your new post will appear immediately: if you have made any mistakes you have 15 minutes to edit it before it becomes permanent.

If you want to start a new topic you are very welcome to.  For example, you might want to see if anyone has information about a particular ship, let's say the 'MV Glenearn'.  You simply click the '+New Topic' button to create a new topic, give it a subject heading and type out your question or comment.  Try to make your heading meaningful: a topic titled 'MV Glenearn' is more useful than one titled 'Help', especially to anyone browsing the forums looking for a particular subject!

These are your forums and we hope you will find them useful.  If you need any help getting started or have any comments or suggestions please ask here, or email the webmaster at

Ted Scaplehorn has reacted to this post.
Ted Scaplehorn