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Uniform Button - Harrison Line?

We've received the following request for information from Joanne Irons.

"I have a small, flat, uniform button which I believe to be from the Harrison Line or the Charente Steamship Company. Would you concur?
The button has the initials P.D.E.P on it. Would these letters stand for " Pro Deo Et Patria" For God & Country?  I am a button collector and love steamship and maritime buttons and try to get all information I can on them and ensure accurate identifications.
Thank you for any light you can shed upon my antique button."
I'm not sure that this is a shipping company button at all, but it's not really my field of expertise.  If anyone can help, please post here or feel free to contact Ms Irons by email at:
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It could be an old Harrison Line button but the cross looks more that used by Houlder Brothers. Harrison's certainly had the letters PDEP on their buttons. I have attached a photograph of a Harrison Line button from the mid-fifties for comparison, although the one being enquired about looks much older.

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  • Button.jpg