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British Whaling Industry

Dr Simon Hill of Liverpool John Moores University is researching the British whaling industry in the 18thC.   He asks:

"It is generally accepted that the British whaling industry at that time was more of an east-coast phenomenon as opposed to the west-coast. However, I am trying to work out why this was the case. I have my own ideas (particularly that it had to do more with business models than anything else). Still, I am wondering if there were more practical reasons for this. [..] in terms of winds and currents, are there any more practical difficulties sailing from the west coast of Britain towards Greenland / the Davis Straits? Did the east coast not have these problems?"

Simon would like to hear members' views, and particularly from anyone with relevant sailing experience.  He can be contacted directly at or alternatively you can post a response in this forum.

Thank you.